The title "Marriage" really gets your attention.
Maybe it is because marriage is kind of a big deal. I mean from everything going on today to define marriage as this or that, to determining who, when, why, and where you are marrying, we can't get enough advice.
Unfortunately, this post will not answer those questions. On second thought, maybe that is a good thing. (I am definitely not the person you should be getting marriage advice from.) However, my brother just got married!! And I just wanted to share what I learned through it.
First: God is a healer.
I knew this already. But it sank in as I saw my brother taking his vows. The brother standing their was not the same brother I had a year ago. The sister well....I didn't have her a year ago at all. As I watched their engagement I couldn't help but be disgusted. :) but more seriously I couldn't help but be amazed. I saw God bring together two broken people from two broken families, and use them to heal not only each other, but others around them.
Second: Marriage really isn't about the people getting married.
My brother's wedding service was on Luke 15, one of my favorite passages in the bible. More specifically, it was about the prodigal son. At first you might think "Great choice guys, a story about an unfaithful son who runs off to spend money on hookers and partying. Well played." In actuality I think it is the perfect passage.
It shows the relationship between God and us... his children. He loves us so much that even when we come to him having kind of directly abused his provision and love for us through our sin, he is so excited he throws a party. For a long time I have "known" that marriage is an analogy of the Jesus relationship to the church. But this story really explains that. For me that means that if I get married, I have to love to the point where even when I am completely justified in withholding my love, as the father in the story was, I don't. There will be other times when I am more like the son. I am in the wrong and I have to humble myself and apologize.
Third: Prayer changes things.
A common expression with powerful implications. In Matthew 21:22 Jesus says that if we believe, we will receive what we ask for. Verses like this are often abused, and I'm not saying pray for a house, car and your next outfit. I am just saying that I believe in prayer, and that our God hears it. I have seen my family overcome a lot, change a lot, and I believe with my whole heart that only God could have done that. There are always going to be days when we feel like we are praying to a wall. Let's just be honest about that.
There will be things you can't get through on your own. Marriage is one of them. I am just thankful we don't have to.
Marriage is a hot topic among young Christians. I mean I'll admit, it's kind of important and life changing. It is a commitment for life, and most of us want a happy one. Again I don't have answers, but I know who does. As one of my favorite artists wrote "I'm just another beggar pointing y'all to where the bread is." The most important thing has to be Jesus. Not your girlfriend, your fiancee or even your wife. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. My parent's marriage and my brother's marriage taught me that, and whether you are single or married, I challenge you to put him in his rightful place. He is a pretty good matchmaker and he can help you love like you alone couldn't. Also pray til you are blue in the face. (Luke 18:1-8).
Also Congrats Drew and Taryn. I love you both so much and am so confident in the work God will do through you.
Also Congrats Drew and Taryn. I love you both so much and am so confident in the work God will do through you.
With love,
P.S. for any of you that are interested, here is a link to a song I wrote for Drew and Taryn. It is a rough recording that I just made but I know a couple people wanted one so here it is!
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