

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What Are You Worth?


this question has just been everywhere for me. I mean how can you really escape it?
Everything in this life is worth something. From gold and gas to stocks and funds, everything has a price tag associated with it. Naturally the question is,"What is on my price tag?"
Now I don't know about you, but I'll be honest. When I look at the world I see a lot of people who seem to be worth a lot more than me. Whether it's that brother over there who has more money in a week than I'll see in the next 10 years, or the friend who seems to have his relationship with Jesus way more figured out than me.

The list just keeps growing.

He's more attractive, he's wealthier, they're more passionate, they're less broken. I'm more scared, I'm less faithful, I'm less WORTHY.  Yea thoughts like that creep into my mind. Yea I find myself comparing myself to others more than I like to admit. But you know recently Jesus has been doing a remodel in the "worth room" of my heart. 

It all started when I realized...

It's okay, to not be okay. On top of that, I had to stop looking to people and society to find my worth, and look for my price tag in the Bible. That's when God laid Luke 15 on my heart. To summarize, Jesus tells three stories. In the first, a shepherd loses one of his 100 sheep. He proceeds to leave the 99 sheep, find the lost sheep, and then throw a party (worth WAY more than one sheep). In the second story, a woman loses one of her ten coins. She trashes her home, looking everywhere, finds the one coin, and throws a party (which would also cost WAY more than 1 coin). The third story is that of the Prodigal Son. You probably know it and are also catching on to the theme (a party worth WAY more than ____ ).

You see I don't think God is on the US dollar,

or any monetary system for that matter. To us it makes no sense that someone would spend time, effort, and money on something that is lost. That's when God told me "That's what you are worth to me Josh." And man I cannot wait for heaven because the way I read the bible I am expecting a party :) 
As I continued to learn about worth, I wrote a poem. It pretty much sums up everything I have learned. Me and Caleb P. recorded it, and set it to some musical magic, and yea if you want to check it out here is the link to download and listen:  What Are You Worth? 


You are worth everything to God. He sent his son to save you and me. No one, and nothing can change that.
I still struggle with comparing myself to others. I still sometimes try to give myself a value I can put a number on. I need your prayers, and I think we all do. This world rips at our worth and results in some awful things: depression, anger, suicide. Let's keep our worth grounded in truth church.

Much love from a child of God,


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