

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Where the Spirit of the Lord is....

This past weekend, I did stuff. 

Pretty awesome stuff if I might say so myself. Last Thursday, I packed my bags, hopped in a car and drove down to Lynchburg, Virginia. The average American probably has no clue where Lynchburg is, and to be honest without my trusty smart phone I wouldn't have made it either. 
In Lynchburg, I had one of the most life changing weekends of my entire life. My perspective was shifted, and like Abraham in Genesis 15, God brought me out of my tent and into the starlight. 

Sooooo what were you doing in Lynchburg?

Well actually I was there for a college visit. Wait! Don't close the tab or hit the back button! I promise it gets better! I was visiting Liberty University. 
Unfortunately, some of you are probably in the same situation I was in earlier this summer- Not having a clue what Liberty University was. 
Liberty University is a Christian College whose motto is "Training Champions for Christ since 1971". It is actually the largest Christian University in the world. 
I have never been a huge fan of the concept of Christian higher education. It was too hypocritical. 
It seemed to embrace mediocrity. It was shallow, empty, and pointless. 

But this summer at Band Camp...

I'm kidding. I was never in band, but that just felt right. Instead, this summer I went to Summit (an apologetic conference) at Bryan College. I had the privilege to spend two weeks with Christians who took education seriously, on a Christian campus that took education seriously. All of a sudden, I found myself slightly interested in a college like this. Then I met those Liberty people. You can spot them from across a room. And if they spot each other... well you can be sure a spontaneous chant will occur. They seemed to love their school.... ok seriously who actually loves their school? What was wrong with these people? I left Summit intrigued, and eventually decided to check into it. Upon finding my program and deciding I could probably get some scholarships, I decided to apply. I know, I know, you all wish you made as spiritual of decisions as that one. Then I was invited to visit Liberty for a weekend, for the aptly named "College For A Weekend". So I did. I packed my bags and went.

That's where things started to get weird.

As I checked in, and glanced around there were smiling people everywhere. It was actually kind of creepy. You know, the good kind of creepy. Then came my dorm mates. I was crashing a two person dorm room and taking their valuable space for three days. I would have been annoyed if I were them. Instead they moved things around, welcomed me in, asked me about myself and my plans, and offered to show me around. I skeptically agreed, assuming that everyone was putting on their best face for the interested kid.... typical. 
The next morning, we were told we had to go to some thing called Convocation. The picture I had in my mind was like a few praise songs, a "Jesus loves You! Go get good grades!", and that everyone would be on their way. I was wrong. 

Stop Everything! This is Everything!

Convocation brought Liberty campus to a screeching halt. 
But this stop had a purpose. Everyone and their mother crowded into the Vines Center (no literally there were mothers there I promise), found their seat or standing room, and slowly grew silent. Then Liberty University worshiped God. If that sentence doesn't shock you, read it a few more times. Coming from a secular university I was overwhelmed. This doesn't happen. This should not be happening. As the singing concluded I had to brush a tear from my eye as I felt the Spirit move. #ThingsChristiansSay  But for real. A man stood up and walked to the front of the stage. His words summarized everything my heart wanted to scream: "This is what it's all about."
After some words, and more praise, Liberty walked back out of the Vines Center. And they knew what it was all about. 

It didn't end there.

In every advising session, every late night burger run, every conversation, I found a campus united in purpose, united in vision, united in Christ. As I heard Christian music, and saw prayer circles as the football players warmed up for the big game, I had to ask the person next to me..."How do you get used to this? This is weird man."
Football games don't have Christian warm-up music! You play "Turn Down for What?" or "Amazing" by Kanye West. And maybe a couple people pray, but the whole team? And now the other team is doing it too! It's contagious! We've got to get out of here!
But in all seriousness, Liberty was serious!

Why so serious?

Serious about football, serious about academics, serious about worship, and serious about Jesus. And now that I look at it, that is the way it should be.

"He is before all things,
And in him, all things hold together"

-Colossians 1:17

Jesus is Lord over all things. Over football, your psychology class, your worship time, your dorm life, your family, your pain, your circumstances. If we are serious about Jesus, then we should be serious about everything else too! Liberty made that real for me. I saw the gospel infuse the parts of college life I never thought it could. I saw the commitment to excellence that many Christian organizations throw aside. I saw God.

So it's got Jesus stamped on everything..So what?

It's true. A lot of people claim Jesus, and a lot of them don't live like him. Putting Jesus's name on everything doesn't mean much. "But some of them don't live it!" you say. That's fair, but neither do I! Apart from grace we are all hypocrites. Our righteousness is like filthy rags...bloody menstrual garments if you want to go all Greek with it.Yea I know that is gross... but so is us trying to act like we can get it together. 
So no, not everyone is living it, at Liberty or anywhere on this earth. All I can say is what I felt, and what I saw, and what I experienced. And to wrap it all up in a nice, scriptural burrito:

"The Lord is the Spirit,
And where the Spirit of the Lord is....

There is LIBERTY. "

-2 Corinthians 3:17

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Is There Healing for this Broken Heart?

I Too,  Have a Dream


Is There Healing for this Broken Heart?

I too, have a dream. It lurks just below the surface of my conscience, where my mind dares not often go. My dream is like a wild horse tied in a stable, a warrior bed-ridden, a mighty man bound in shackles and chains.. It cries “Freedom!” but remains in bondage.
Its beauty is unparalleled, its strength unrivaled, its wildness intoxicating.

It is a dream of revival and purpose, of passion and redemption
A dream where amid the trials I know I am his possession.
A dream of absolute confidence in a love unshakable.
A dream of believing that his mercy is truly unchangeable.
A dream of a greater calling, joining the redemption story. 
A dream of a life living fanatically for his glory.
A dream where my addictions, abuse, and anger fade away.
A dream where I  finally feel something when I pray.
A dream in which my life is devoted to a cause greater than myself. 
A dream where justice, freedom, and passion swell.
A dream in which my own inadequacy is forgotten, and God’s grace is my all. 
A dream of a life consumed by the gospel.

Oh, to be Wild at Heart, to love deeply, and to seek God desperately. 
Even as these words spill onto paper, the wild horse tenses each muscle, the warrior sharpens his sword, and the strong man strains at his bonds. Is today the day? Will my dream become reality? Not today.

This dream screams danger to my soul. In its ravishing beauty it brings cold chills to my heart. It is simultaneously my deepest craving and my darkest fear.
To be that which I am not. To feel that which I do not. It cannot be. I cannot be.
My dream remains bound by fear, doubt and uncertainty. 
Can I really love deeply, and feel emotionally, or will such healing not be realized this side of heaven?

These thoughts arise when I pull back the curtains for just a glimpse of my dream. The sight of this wild, beautiful, and dangerous faith evokes more questions than I can answer. So the dream waits, hoping that one day it can shake out its mane, draw its sword, and break its chains. I long to set it free, I long for a place in which that identity is mine. But for now I wait.

Someday, I am promised, He will trade "beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise for heaviness" (1). Til then, I hope and expect to see his goodness "in the land of the living." (2)
Perhaps, the stallion even now is loosed, and begins to take its first steps in freedom. By chance, even the warrior might have left his bed, and donned his armor. Oh my hope, that the strong man has been loosed from his chains. 
Perhaps my dream is waiting to be freed? 
Or maybe, just maybe, my life is becoming my dream.

"Who the Son sets free is free indeed." (3)  
Perhaps it is time I believed? 
Today I can embrace that I am a "new creation" (4) and am truly free from everything but God's possession. Free from my sin, my shame, my addictions, my lust, my guilt, my past, my future, and my fears. All lays conquered at the foot of the cross. This fear and doubt, this refusal to live free is more than a bad habit. It is sin. 
If I doubt my freedom, I doubt the adequacy of the cross. 

Thank God for his mercy. Today I will live free.
Tomorrow I may forget, but his grace is enough.
Now then brothers and sisters stand firm. For freedom he set us free. We must not submit again to the bondage of sin. (5)

As Dr. King said long ago, "Let Freedom Ring."

(1) Isaiah 61:3
(2) Psalm 27:13
(3) John 8:36
(4) 2 Corinthians 5:17
(5) Galatians 5:1